April 13

Hello Evergreen Families!

This week the class continued our unit on care of the earth and learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle.  The class has engaged in discussions about how you can save energy and water, in which they came up with ideas such as turning off lights, riding bikes to school, and turning off the water while brushing teeth.  The children studied recycling more in-depth and sorted recycled materials – paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum cans – by their properties.  The children also began to experiment with using recycled materials in art projects. 

Last week, the word “pollution” was introduced.  This week, the children learned more about pollution and how it harms the earth through stories such as The Berenstain Bears Don’t Pollute (Anymore) and  The Wump World and experimenting with pollution in water.  In this experiment, the children noticed how water and oil don’t mix and then did their best to remove the polluting oil from the water.

The Z story this week was all about inclusion and including everyone.  The children continued to discuss ways to include people throughout the week, and how to still be kind to others if they aren’t able to include them or would like to play alone. 

The entire preschool enjoyed watching the spring performance presented by the kindergarten class.

With the warmer weather, please make sure your child has a summer hat at school and please bring home winter gear.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms. Kristine, Ms. Kira, Ms. Kristin

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