March 30

Hello Evergreen Families

It has been another great week with the children learning more about “farm to table”. We have been discussing where food comes from, all the hard work that needs to take place on a farm and how many people help get food to our grocery stores. This week the topic took on another level of interest as the children made butter and could taste it. They seemed to enjoy the seeing how something they usually “just have at home” took time and effort to make.

In art, we mixed water colors to create colors noticing that that adding more water to a color made it lighter and less water made a bright color. The students also made observations of the carrot and sweet potato the students planted at the start of the Farm unit. They noticed that the carrot has a green top growing another green spout. In math, we continue learning about geometry and made shapes out of playdough being able to name each shape. Finally, we enjoyed listening to stories like Bebe goes Shopping, Manners at the Store, and Shopping for Lunch.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Kristine, Ms. Meghan, Ms. Lauren and Ms. Riann

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