Good afternoon Garden and Mountain families,
This week the children continued learning about Spring. It turned out to be a great Colorado spring week with sun and rain. The children sang “Rain, Rain Go Away,” “If all of the Raindrops . . . “ and “Five Little Ducks.” The children also read Hello Bugs, In the Garden, and That’s not my Squirrel. The children were taken on buggy rides around the neighborhood to see all the flowers in bloom, as well as the birds and dogs enjoying the sunshine.
The nice weather brought the chance for the children to plant their herb garden. Herbs are great for infants and toddlers because they learn about the world through active exploration, which often means their mouths. Eating an herb gives teachers the opportunity to expand the child’s vocabulary by discussing taste and texture.
The children worked on large motor skills by crawling on mats and through tunnels. The children also practiced pushing the wagons outside.
During music with Ms. Kathleen, the children played bells. Ms. Kathleen sings a type of follow the leader song and the children tapped the bells on the body parts she sang about.
Please help us welcome Max to the Garden room! We hope you have a nice long weekend!
Ms. Amy, Ms. Latanya, Ms. Jessica, Ms. Claire, Ms. Piper, and Ms. Jordan
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