Good afternoon Cedar families,
This week Dogwood and Cedar learned about Spring and Animals.
During small circle the children sang: “If all the Rain Drops”, “Little Bunny Foo-Foo”, “Mr. Golden Sun” and “I am a Flower.”
The children read: Under The Apple Tree, A Dandelion’s Life, Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies, Too Many Tomatoes and Animal’s Counting Book.
The children worked on their large motor skills when practicing putting on their shoes, pretending to be flowers growing, doing yoga, kicking balls outside, jumping as high as they could and doing PE with Kira.
Practical life skills were used when: digging and planting seeds in our garden, stacking cups, stringing beads and watering seeds and plants.
During art, the children: made apple seed art with finger prints, made hand print butterfly and flower pictures and made contact-paper birds.
The children explored with: dirt in the garden, bristle blocks, spring puzzles and flowers on our buggy ride.
During music with Ms. Kathleen the children enjoyed playing Peek-A-Boo with scarves to music, playing bells and tapping rhythm sticks on the floor
Happy 2nd Birthday to Ella and Louis
Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Delani, Ms. Delanie, Ms. Stevie, and Ms. Piper
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