May 12

Good Afternoon Forest Families!

This week in Forest, children added on to their transportation play centers. In the bike shop, children built bikes out of magnetic wheels and tubes. In the train station, children created different types of train cars with many types of freight. Children experimented with floating and sinking objects in the boat dock. Children have also problem-solved many different scenarios as their play unfolds in each center.

In math and science this week, children worked on basic addition skills using manipulatives. Children also explored the concept of odd and even through manipulatives. In science, children read about the ocean and coral reefs. Children have become very interested in the ocean after their play in the boat dock center!

Due to the cold and rainy weather, we did not get outside to plant this week. Next week we will hopefully garden and begin our spring planting! Please take home snow clothing and boots and make sure your child has a sun hat for outside time. Thanks!

Have a great weekend,


The Forest Teachers,

Ms. Amanda, Ms. Kristine, Ms. Jess, Ms. Freya, and Ms. Suzanne


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