April 28

Good Afternoon Forest Families!

This week in Forest children continued their play theme of transportation! Children made props for the boat and boat dock and took on roles of captain and passengers. They practice being mechanics and engineers to fix trains, cars, bikes, and planes. Children are learning new vocabulary as they work together in their roles. We have been reading books and discussing how we have all traveled as well.

In literacy, children practiced their prediction making skills as we read about Franklin learning to ride a bike. We practiced making connections to characters in books as we read about a rabbit who had no one to play with. We also worked on listening to words to take apart their sounds, a skill that has transferred into their writing and play plans.

In math and science this week, children spend a lot of time on exploring seeds and plants. We discussed what plants need to grow and what we see over the next few weeks as seeds start to sprout! Next month we will continue gardening outside and plant our sprouts!

Next week we will continue playing in our transportation centers.


Have a fantastic weekend,

The Forest Teachers,

Ms. Amanda, Ms. Kristine, Ms. Jess, Ms. Freya, and Ms. Suzanne


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