December 2

This week in Forest, children began a new play theme all about restaurants! All week we discussed different types of restaurants and what roles are involved. Children created props and decorated each center to become a coffee shop, an ice cream shop, a breakfast diner, a pizza parlor, a “fancy” restaurant, and a drive through restaurant!

As children helped create the materials for their centers, we explored the language and actions involved in real restaurants. Children learned and implemented new vocabulary as they became baristas making coffee, cashiers taking orders, customers ordering ice cream, hosts/hostesses seating diners, and so on. As children learn and use new language, they practice social skills and problem solving with each other. Teachers encouraged children all week to take on a new role and problem solve as scenarios played out in each “restaurant”.

Along with our new play theme, children read books through interactive read-a-louds and “buddy reading” related to winter celebrations. Children have been excited to discuss winter holidays and of course, snow! As we read each new book, children are eager to discuss their own winter plans.

This week, Forest children created decorations for their Light and Love performance coming up next week! Children have practiced their songs the last few weeks and they are ready to perform for families. To get ready, children learned how to make paper chains and snowflakes in complex patterns to decorate the show!

Please make sure your child has a winter coat, snow pants, boots, mittens, and a winter hat at school to enjoy the cold weather, along with indoor shoes to wear in the classroom. Thank you!


Have a great weekend!

The Forest Teachers,

Ms. Amanda, Ms. Kristine, Ms. Jess, Ms. Carolyn, and Ms. Freya


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